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10 Fun Fitness Classes to Try Right Now

2020-05-07 00:00:00
  • Signing up for fitness classes is an avenue for you to get your heart racing, strengthen your muscles, and to meet new people.
  • From obstacle course race training to tai chi, you can choose from a number of class options depending on your desired intensity level and exercise duration.
  • No matter what your goal is, whether it’s to reduce stress, improve concentration, or to tone and strengthen your body, there’s a fitness class that’ll help you achieve it.

Working out independently isn’t for everyone. Sometimes, having a workout buddy or squad can greatly motivate you and make your fitness journey a lot more fun. Or you can try joining fitness classes.

Fitness classes aren’t necessarily just for beginners. Even seasoned fitness buffs sometimes prefer working out in a class setting to be with like-minded people. Having support from other people as you exercise, even from people you don’t personally know, is proven to give positive effects on people trying to get fit.

Next time you head to the gym, try to explore and take a class you’ve never experienced before. You may discover a new love for a style of exercise you didn’t imagine yourself getting involved in. There’s no need to feel intimidated when you have an instructor or other participants nearby to help you out. Having said that, here are 10 fun fitness classes you can try on your next visit to the gym:

1. OCR 

OCR - Fitness Exercises | Pretty Huge Obstacles

Obstacle course racing (OCR) is a fun way to embrace the outdoors, make friends, and get fit. Depending on what your gym offers, you can enroll in OCR fitness classes to either prepare for your first ever OCR event or just for the sole purpose of to experience it.

An OCR class is a fantastic way to break the monotony of aimless running and reps at the gym. This non-traditional workout regimen also has a good number of benefits. With regularity, it can increase your cardiovascular health and endurance, make you more flexible, and give you the opportunity to meet and bond with new like-minded friends. After all, OCR and its community are all about mutual support for functionality and enjoyment.

2. Boxercise

Boxercise might sound a bit like it’s for picking—and winning—fights, but this isn’t necessarily true. People do boxercise to work up a sweat and develop their strength and discipline. Your typical boxercise session involves boxing techniques, skipping, and some lifting. It’s open to people of all ages, genders, and fitness levels, and is totally safe.

Aside from the physical benefits of boxercise, it simultaneously sharpens your concentration and teaches you to focus your energy. Boxercise simulates both your body and your mind, improving your muscle strength, mental agility, and hand-eye coordination.

3. Zumba

Contrary to stereotypes, zumba isn’t just for moms. It’s a high-energy workout with loud music and sometimes, even lights. Zumba combines Latin and international jams with easy-to-follow dance moves and light resistance training, alternating between fast and slow beats.

Zumba is an aerobic exercise. It strengthens your heart, brightens your mood, reduces certain health risks, and helps you shed some excess weight.

4. Yoga 

Yoga - Fitness Classes | Pretty Huge Obstacles

There are different kinds of yoga, and you can definitely find one that fits you. Based on an ancient Eastern practice, yoga improves your cardiovascular health, upper body strength, flexibility, and even the efficiency of your digestive system. Many yogis also report that it combats internal stress and anxiety.

Some people get started in yoga aiming to manage pain. If you have some past injuries that still bother you and are in need of attention, yoga may be one way to address those.

5. Pilates  

Those who are unfamiliar with Yoga and Pilates often mix up these two fitness classes.

Although they’re both beginner-friendly and are both for improving your concentration and breathing, pilates and yoga have different purposes.

Pilates works on your flexibility, posture, especially your core strength. The movement you do is minimal compared to boxercise or zumba, but you’ll feel its effect all over your body. After regular sessions, you’ll notice your body becoming more firm and toned. Pilates also makes use of workout equipment, unlike in Yoga where you only use your body weight and yoga mats.

6. Tai chi

Tai Chi, also referred to as Tai Chi Chuan, is a self-paced system of soft, graceful physical exercises and stretches. It’s an old Chinese practice that helps you prevent and cope with muscle and joint pain. It’s also good for your mental health and poise.

In Tai Chi, each pose smoothly flows into the next one. This ensures that your body is constantly in motion during your workout. It also brings a lot of benefits like muscle strength and definition, increased energy, more stamina, and better aerobic capacity. It also reduces stress, depression, and anxiety.

7. Crossfit  

Crossfit - Fitness Classes | Pretty Huge Obstacles

If you’re looking for a simple but intense fitness class, Crossfit is also a good way to go. For each session, there is a Workout of the Day (WOD). The WOD includes a combination of sprinting, weight lifting, rope climbing, or other exercises that don’t require any machinery. And it varies every time.

Crossfit is great for fitness buffs who are aiming to build some muscle and really bulk up. If you’re competitive and easily bored by repetitive exercises, you should definitely give it a shot. Despite its competitive nature, you’re sure to make new friends through Crossfit.

8. Metafit

Metafit uses High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to help you burn calories and develop your muscles efficiently. One HIIT session only spans about 30 minutes. If you think you can’t make the most out of your workout in half an hour because you aren’t at a certain fitness level, don’t worry about it. You can easily adjust the exercises to suit your capabilities. Metafit will make you push yourself, but not to the extent that you’ll get injured.

The main selling point of Metafit is truly its intensity. Metafit takes advantage of “excess post-exercise consumption”. This means that after an extremely heavy workout session, your body goes into overdrive to burn calories, which is why Metafit allows you to burn the maximum amount of calories in just a short span of time.

9. Spinning

Spinning is a high-energy cardio workout usually taught in big classes. It’s a lot of work for your legs, but your upper body gets toned at the same time as you peddle and sweat it out. It’s not outdoorsy like biking, but you’ll still get all the physical benefits.

Part of the fun of spinning is being in a group and cheering each other on. Spinning quickly builds up your endurance and strengthens your cardiovascular system. After a couple of workouts, you’ll feel the difference not just when you’re on the stationary bike but also as you climb stairs and walk long distances. Be mindful, however, that you might not want to dive right into spinning if you have a history of chronic back pain issues.

10. Boot camp 

Boothcamp classes - Fitness Classes | Pretty Huge Obstacles

As you may have guessed from the name of this fitness class, it’s inspired by military training routines used to get newbies into tip-top shape. Boot camp classes are built on a foundation of cardio, strength, and agility. In order to hit all three, you’ll be doing a combination of body weight exercises and other exercises that require equipment like dumbbells, jump ropes, and exercise balls.

Boot camp works well for anyone who wants to lose weight for their health, and who appreciates the guidance and encouragement of an energetic instructor. Even after the end of your workout, your metabolism will still be in high gear from the fast-paced drills. With Boot camp, you can never experience a workout plateau for its routines are never repetitive. Every session, your instructor will surely give you something new that will surprise your body.

Whether you’re new to the fitness world who’s in need of instruction and company, or you have lots of experience and already know what type of exercise suits you best, fitness classes are a good way to explore what more can your body do.

You can always make adjustments if you think a certain routine is too much, or if you think it’s not meant for you then jump to another kind of routine. Besides, don’t you want to meet new friends and together achieve your fitness goals? It is really a lot easier and fun to be with these kind of people. So, try these classes and experience them yourself. Then, let us know how it goes.

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