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7 Easy Fitness Exercises that You Can Do this Holiday Season

2020-05-07 00:00:00

If your fitness journey can be characterized as one big obstacle course, we’re pretty sure that the holiday season will be one of the hardest of them all. It’s not just about the many, many temptations that will inevitably surround and beguile you. It’s also incredibly difficult to change the mindset that, the holiday season is for rest. That is, lazing around and gorging yourself to kingdom come with all the food from feasts and celebrations that you’ll be attending.

However, it is possible to still lose weight during this season! All you need is a healthy mindset and perhaps a bit of restraint when it comes to the parties that you’ll be attending. To help you get started on your goal of losing weight even during the holidays, here are fitness exercises that you can do without the need for any gym equipment.

Bodyweight, Squats, Jump Squats, Bench Dips, Dumbbell Rows, Elevated Feet Push-Ups, Reverse Lunges, and Front Plank.

Bodyweight Squats

Fitness exercises - Bodyweight squats

One of the most common misconceptions about the bodyweight squat is that this exercise routine is just for your glutes. Well, it’s very good for your lower body, especially your posterior, and mastering this routine can be a huge boost on improving the way you run, jump, or even lunge. However, it is not just for your lower back; this exercise routine also helps your core muscles – or your abs.

To do this, you can follow these steps:

  • Keep your feet pressed into the floor and aligned with your knees and hips.
  • Lower down until your kneecaps are hovering over the tops of your feet.
  • Push your knees out as your rise from the bottom of the squat. Keep your thighs in line with your feet.
  • As you stand, cross your arms and forcefully contract your glutes.
  • Be mindful that your back is straight and stable. But again, don’t overarch.

Another good thing about the bodyweight squat is that you can do this anywhere, without the need for any gym fitness equipment.

Jump Squats

Whether you’re into weightlifting, functional fitness, or simply gunning for weight loss, the jump squat can be an ideal workout exercise. And yup, you can definitely do this without the need for any gym equipment. There are actually two kinds of jump squats - the single and the multiple. Since we’re talking about a holiday-type workout, we’re going to go with the former.

To do a jump squat, follow these steps:

  • Stand and keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Do a regular squat first, and then jump explosively.
  • As you land, lower your body back into the regular squat position.
  • Be sure to land as quietly as possible.
  • Repeat this for 2-3 sets of 10 reps

As a plyometric exercise, the jump squat can be very effective in boosting one’s power and strength.

Bench Dips

Dips have always been the go-to exercise routine for fitness buffs or beginners looking to muscle-up or improve their upper body training. You can do the bench dip anywhere (that is, anywhere with a bench) and it’s fairly simple to learn, however, it can be extremely hard on your shoulders so be sure to first check with your doctor or trainer if you can do this exercise.

To start doing bench dips, follow these steps:

  • You need a bench for this, though a wide chair or couch can be used provided that they are stable.
  • Grip the edge of the bench with both of your hands. Your thumbs should be next to your hips.
  • Use your arms to lift your butt off of the bench. Firmly grip the edge of the bench and then straighten your arms as you extend your legs forward.
  • Slowly lower your body by bending your elbows. Keep your elbows pointing backwards and your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.
  • Slowly straighten your arms to lift your upper body back into the starting position. Your legs should remain still and your shoulders squared.
  • Do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

The dip is for the upper body the same way the squat is for the lower body - they’re both kings and a bit hard to do at first. But once you get the hang of it, it would be easier.

Dumbbell Rows

Fitness Exercises - Dumbbell Rows

The Dumbbell Row is one of the easiest routines that could be practiced by beginners, which is probably the reason most fitness buffs avoid it like the plague. They find it too “easy” and “boring.” However, for seasoned buffs and neophytes alike, the dumbbell row can be an invaluable tool in strengthening the upper back muscles and improving the rounded shoulder position.

Here are the steps to follow for the Dumbbell Row:

  • Find a sturdy surface to place your outstretched hand onto. A hardwood table or stable couch can be used.
  • Your feet should be in line with each other and not staggered, and aligned with your shoulders.
  • Straighten your back and maintain a natural flat posture the entire routine.
  • Reach down to grab the dumbbell and ensure that your neck is looking down while doing it.
  • Keep your core muscles activated the whole time as you raise the dumbbell to your lower chest. Your elbow should not go higher than the level of your back for this.
  • Repeat on the other side.

There is another variation of the dumbbell row called the Chest Supported Row. For this, you need a bench and you lay flat on your chest while you row the dumbbells up toward the bench.

Elevated Feet Push-Ups

Yes, this list includes push-ups. Some more experienced gym goers might scoff at the lowly push-up, but then this workout targets your whole upper body: chest, arms, and shoulders. Don’t worry though, we’re going to spice this one up a bit for the holidays - from the simple push-up, why not try elevating your feet?

To do the elevated feet push up, follow these steps:

  • Find yourself a flat bench or a stable couch. Note that the higher the bench is, the higher the resistance will be.
  • Lie on the floor face down. Your hands should be around 36 inches apart from each other and also holding up your torso at arms length.
  • Place your toes on top of the bench.
  • Slowly lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor. Do this while inhaling.
  • Pull your body back up to your starting position using your pectoral muscles. Do this while breathing out.
  • Repeat as prescribed by your trainer.

For this workout, you can also use an exercise ball. However this will be more difficult because the stability provided by the hard and unmoving bench will be gone.

Reverse Lunges

Fitness Exercises - Reverse Lunges

Another low-intensity workout that you can do without spending the rest of the holidays with strained muscles, a reverse lunge tones your entire leg. Like the forward lunge, the reverse lunge can strengthen your glutes, calves, and quads, and at the same time, you don’t have to worry about knee injuries while doing it.

To get started on the reverse lunge, do the following steps:

  • Stand up straight, keep your shoulders back, and your hands at your sides.
  • Using your left foot, take a big step backwards.
  • Gently lower your hips to the floor until your right knee forms a 90-degree angle.
  • Push yourself up using the strength from your right foot. Return your left foot to the starting position.
  • While pushing up, don’t put your hands on your knees to help propel yourself up. This might cause injury.
  • Repeat this with your right leg, switch sides for each rep.

While the reverse lunge is a lot easier on the knees compared to the forward lunge, you still need to be careful when doing this workout, especially if you have weak knees.

Front Plank

Simple but very effective as a bodyweight exercise, planking develops the muscles in your core - primarily those that connect your upper and lower body. This also includes the muscles in your shoulders, arms, and posterior. Since this is a static exercise (your body just stays in one position for the whole workout) and also requires no gym equipment, you can do this anywhere.

Follow these steps to do the front plank:

  • Place your forearms on the ground while keeping your elbows aligned just below your shoulders. Your arms should be parallel to the body, houlder-width apart.
  • Stabilize your body by grounding your toes to the floor and squeezing your glutes.
  • With your head in line with your back, you can lock your neck and spine by looking at a spot on the floor that is about a foot away from your hands.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds.
  • You can try longer variations once you get more comfortable with the move.

You can try performing the front plank on bent knees instead of your toes to make it easier. On the flipside, try raising one of your legs off the ground and hold that to make this workout routine harder.

Weight Loss is Possible

Fitness Exercises - Body weight exercise

Weight loss during the holidays might sound a bit too fantastical, and indeed it will be invariably hard, but then it is possible. With these workout routines that you can do even without hitting the gym, you’ll be having one less excuse to go on with your fitness journey - holiday season or not. A healthy mindset is the only requirement that you need. Well, that and a bit of stamina to go with these exercises.

Besides, wouldn’t it be sweeter to face the new year several pounds lighter? Or at the very least, start it with compliments from your workmates on how fit you look despite coming from the holiday season?

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