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7 Things That Will Make You Want to Try Obstacle Course Racing

2020-05-07 00:00:00

  • Obstacle course racing is a sport that combines endurance with strength and challenges teams of participants to overcome obstacles in a strategic way.
  • There are plenty of obstacle course races for beginners that can be done by fitness buffs who have different interests or even people who barely work out at all.
  • OCR is a fun way to shed weight, build muscle, condition your brain, and make friends as you go along.
7 Things That Will Make You Want to Try Obstacle Course Racing - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles


There is a wide variety of options nowadays for people who want to have an active lifestyle. There are those who subscribe to programs or classes in different gyms, while others opt to do home-based workouts. Some people even combine both. Whatever method you prefer, you can certainly complement it with obstacle course racing.

Due to its ever-growing popularity, OCR events multiply by the year. It is likely that you found out about OCR through friends who have joined a race and have shared their experience on social media.

Building a team might be a difficult task, but registering alone is not a bad option. In fact, it’s even easier to find a team that would adopt you on the race day. It’s an opportunity to make new friends who are also into OCR.

Finding a race for your skill level is also as easy as a quick web search or asking friends online. There's no special training required for the race itself, but a well-rounded cardio and weights program will help you get through the course more easily. However, if you are already working out regularly, then you've got a head start!

There are many reasons to get involved in OCR, from the physiological benefits to the social aspect of the sport.

It's fun

It's fun - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

Doing the same exercises at the gym can sometimes feel monotonous. No matter how much you love the outdoors, long hikes can become tedious after a while. Integrating OCR to your routine allows you to experience new things and still stay fit.

With so many different kinds of obstacles, it’s hard to expect what will come next. In an actual race, you and your teammates will figure things out as you go along and work together to overcome challenges. Each little victory will take you one step closer to the finish line. Going through all of this at every event is a unique kind of entertainment and exercise because you're sharing the fun with other people.

It's for everyone 

It's for everyone - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

If your knowledge of OCR relies solely on what you’ve seen in American Ninja Warrior, then it's no surprise that you feel intimidated by it. The said show is only one example of advanced-level OCR that requires intense training and dedication; however, there are plenty of OCR that cater to various skill levels.

There are obstacle course races as short as five miles, which is totally manageable even for someone with zero experience. Although training will definitely give you an advantage on the race day, it's not necessary for casual ones like the Tough Mudder. Some OCR enthusiasts invest a lot of money, time and energy into OCR, but even those who can't put out that much still have a great time when they race.

The OCR community grows every year, and one of the reasons for that is because there are no real restrictions on who can join the fun. You can do OCR no matter your age, gender, race, or location. While hardcore OCR fans take trips to different countries to join big events, you can probably find your first one just a stone's throw away.

It will push your limits - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

There's a good reason why OCRs are also called "suffer fests". These are festive, but these also challenge you physically. You'll find yourself up against walls, ladders, ring and ropes, as well as crawling pits of mud. While finishing the obstacles, you'll be pushing your endurance, strength, adaptability, agility, and your ability to jive well with a team.

If there is some aspect of physical activity where you don’t feel very confident, you'll be compelled to confront it at some point during an OCR event. Whatever that muscle group or body part is that you are not able to work on, it's going to be utilized during the race and it will most likely feel strained  after. While that might sound unsettling, it's also a sure way to know what you need to work on physically. This will encourage you to start planning on overcoming the issue. This is also especially helpful to point out when you’ve start prioritizing fitness goals and working on it with a physical trainer.

It makes you strong mentally, too 

It makes you strong mentally, too - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

Not only will OCR push your body to its limits, it will also condition your brain. You won't be using mathematical formulas or making any calculations, but you will need muster  the willpower to keep yourself going, especially when your body is exhausted. As you become more determined mentally, your body will follow in order to fight exhaustion.

This "mental toughness" isn't for healing scrapes and bruises. It's for developing discipline, not just in OCR, but also in anything you set your mind to. It helps in setting your goals and in creating a plan on how to achieve them in both racing and real life situations.

The training alone is great for you

The training alone is great for you - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

Before you even step foot on the course, preparing for an OCR event does your body and mind a lot of good. OCR training combines the cardiovascular performance of running with the strength building from lifting weights. It's a balanced workout that's beneficial for you heart, lungs, and your muscles.

Aside from these, OCR training also enhances flexibility and increases endurance. You'll find yourself becoming more agile as you take on more obstacles. You'll also learn how to manage your energy so that you can reach the finish line like a champ instead of exhausting all you’ve got halfway through the course.

It's a learning experience 

It's a learning experience - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

Many obstacle course racers can attest to the fact that OCR is a life-changing experience It helps improve the way you live, from how to train and eat to how perceive life. OCR is about facing intimidating obstacles, whether figurative or literal, no matter how tough they appear. It's about breaking up the monotony of routine and throwing yourself into something tiring but also rewarding.

That said, it doesn't always have to be about pushing yourself as hard as you can. If you're just looking for an escape from the ordinary, you don't have to go through a full ten-mile course. There are races that are only three to five miles long. These may not  be quite the journey that longer races are, but these are still challenging and fulfilling.

It will connect you with more people

It will connect you with more people - Obstacle Course Racing | Pretty Huge Obstacles

One big factor that keeps people coming back despite the suffering part of "suffer fest" is the community. As you pursue your personal goals, you're also working with teammates to overcome obstacles. It's more collaborative than competitive, and you don't have to worry as much if there's an obstacle that challenges one of your weak spots, because you have teammates to help you through it. Whether you're pushing and pulling each other up walls or sharing a weight, the glory of getting the job done becomes more satisfying when it's shared.

All in all, OCR is a fantastic way to meet new people and bond with old friends. Dedicated OCR teams come to the events in matching shirts, sometimes even putting on body paint and chanting in unison. You don't necessarily have to go all out with your team. In fact, you don't have to have a team at all. Some OCR events will let you register as an individual, then you show up on the day, you are put in a group with other individuals. Because the spread of OCR is so far and wide, you will  be able meet a group of diverse and interesting people.Whether you're a serious runner, a gym rat, or a total fitness newbie, OCR has something to offer you. Not only is it fun, but you'll also get the health and fitness benefits. You will make some new friends, too.

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