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Meet the Pretty Huge Team

2020-05-07 00:00:00

Meet the Pretty Huge Team

Dante Rodriguez is Pretty Huge Obstacle's functional fitness expert. For him, functional fitness is fun and beneficial for the whole body. It also strengthens your grip, which is really important for OCR newbies and enthusiasts.  

In obstacle course racing, you will run, climb, crawl and jump! Sounds exciting? Then try OCR training with Coach Raven Quan. If you love mountain climbing, trekking, swimming or joining triathlons, you'll love OCR too! It will help you cross-train and improve your core and grip. It will also give you a new type of challenge. 

Are you a couch potato? Don't be intimidated by obstacle course race training. It's newbie friendly and a really fun way to improve your lifestyle. You'll not only improve your stamina, endurance and strength, but you'll also belong in a supportive community of similar-minded individuals. 

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